How many onyx eggs to exalted

Good luck. You're going to need it. EDIT: I've found that the eggs all respawn when the server returns from maintenance or a restart. There were a handful of times that I've gotten lucky enough to nab of them after logging in the very second the server comes back up.

However, be warned that everyone else has the exact same idea and they're trying to get them all as well. The last restart yielded me zero eggs since by then people have caught on that it's a golden opportunity to see and grab a few. If someone is in the right place at the right time, you won't see any when there is a spawn. Each day that passes, more and more people are hunting the eggs. The other night there were fifty people in Jade Forest. Your best time is in the middle of the night, and I mean really in the middle, like three to four in the morning.

Any time later than that, there are people everywhere. There is talk of a future patch fixing reputation, where your alternate characters will get double the reputation if one is exalted already, which makes this a better grind for alts. I've also heard rumors that they may increase the spawn rate of the eggs due to how many people are hunting for them at once.

Comment by bantexkaa I was "Lucky" to be the around the 20th to ding 90 on my server, so I went to farm these eggs straight away after getting the Pandarian flying license.

There were 1 or 2 ppl farming them aswell, which made it took longer than it would if I were alone. Couple of guildmates have tried for a couple of days, and never gotten any eggs yet.

Comment by jezkodezko Today, 3rd October , early after server maintenance at am, I was able to found ten eggs in a row, spawned at one time. So this can be way to farm eggs fast and easy. You can see video with spawn areas here. Comment by Been trying to find these for days, these things are non-existent or something. Blizz nerfed these when they saw a lot of level 90s. Comment by Kayarie No bathroom break, no water, no food, lock all windows and doors, listen to music so you don't get distracted by sounds, don't blink, and turn phone's off I see you reaching for those chips!

But in all seriousness, I did this for a good 2 hours and managed to come across 12 eggs with intensive focus and came up with the same spawn points as Ospreyfalcon mind you there were about 10 other people farming them at the time - excluding opposite faction. Comment by Scribbinge I love how the flavor text says: "A rare egg of exceptional value" Yet to loot it your character smashes it to bits.

Nice one Blizz animation staff! Comment by I used the macros in Tharama's comment, and made the rounds. Found 2 eggs on the first try, middle of the day on Saturday. Comment by Karthegrax Logged in after the server restart last night and only managed to find 5 eggs. It's possible they nerfed it again. Comment by Grim32 It is possible to farm this reputation relatively fast.

They spawn quite erratically, from what I could tell after they have been collected for the the first time, no more than will be there. However after a world server restart, there can be as many as 12 within 10 minutes of the server being back online. These figures come from my personal experience on a low population realm.

I bought all 3 of them when I reached exalted and did the last quest afterwards, which left me with a mount in my bags that I already learned. Gladly a GM was able to remove the mount from my bag and gave me the gold back. Comment by Vaugn It is worth noting that once you are exalted you cannot turn in eggs for additional rep. Normally this isn't an issue, but it does matter for those that like to max out rep for each faction. Leftover eggs can and should be used for Cloud Serpent Scrambled Eggs -- coming soon to a cooking trainer near you.

Comment by thecityalive Helpful Tip: To locate these eggs quicker and easier, go into your system settings, and toggle your graphics down to low or toggle your ground clutter and environment detail to low. This will reduce the loading of foliage, plants, and other things that may hinder view of said containers. This works similar to the finding of Dark Soil containers and Noble Garden eggs.

Happy hunting! Comment by Galaxas I can confirm that after a server reset a lot of eggs will spawn, though I'm not sure if all of them do. I managed to snag 4 of them once, with about 20 other people flying around looking as well. Comment by According to tharama's post there are 32 spawn points. Seeing so many other comments I'd say that the respawn timer of each egg would be around 90 mins.

Wouldn't that mean that every 3 mins there's an egg spawning somewhere in the rocks? It's not purely estimated, but that would be my guess. Comment by Peanut I cannot pick up the eggs. I am friendly with the order, I do the dailies every day, and I tryed re-logging twice.

I mouse over the egg and nothing happens, I can't click it, I can just look at it. Was next to a tree. Will put up a Picture Of it. Edit: why im I geting a lota Down votes? Im trying to be helpful. Comment by For those wondering what the new re-spawn rate for these eggs is, I collected 9 after about an hour of searching without competition from anyone else on my realm.

Optional: Cross Realm Zones for Eggs Getting the eggs themselves is hard if you are on a high or even medium population server because of other players who will be competing with you to get eggs, but cross realm zones gives you a way to get around this. Find a realm that's pretty much dead and make a level one character of your faction and get to Ogrimmar or Stormwind respectively, then ask around untill you find somebody whos nice enough to help you. Then battletag friend them and have them go to the jade forest and invite you to a group, which will transfer you to their dead realm.

As long as they stay in the party with you, they can go wherever they want and you can farm eggs. Also, make sure that the realm you pick is in your time zone so if you are up late at 2am like me, you won't have anyone else competing with you. Route I used a route in which I took a counter-clockwise rotation through the egg spawn points outside of the middle of the island. The middle of the island almost never spawns eggs from my experience, but if you haven't seen a egg in a long long time it can't hurt to look.

Also make sure you look in the little cavelike rock formation doodad next to the Slitherscale Lizard-Lord because the egg inside of it is often missed by other people. Other Tips Setting Enviroment Detail and Ground Clutter to low in your system menu removes some of the crap on the ground and may help you find eggs that you would otherwise miss. Hope this helps, and good luck. Comment by Specula If you're going to spend any extended amount of time on Windward Isle looking for these eggs and you're also working on your Tiller's Reputation and looking for those gifts for people, make sure to keep an eye out for patches of Dark Soil.

They'contain those personal gifts the individual farmers like, and thankfully the respawn rate on Windward Isle seems to be a little higher for these than the Onyx Eggs are, and few search Windward Isle for Dark Soil either. Comment by Raisear Not sure exactly what the spawn timer is on these eggs, but it does look like they reset with the dailies.

I managed to find six between AM server time. And works for dark soils too :. They can spawn directly next to them though! Comment by Okay, I've been collecting for all of a day, but I've already learned some tricks. For, y'know, those of you who don't want to get TomTom. Nowhere low enough for you to aggro anything that isn't flying. This makes sense; if you were an elusive flying serpent you'd want your eggs out of the reach of ground-predators, right? I've found an egg on one of the white rock pillars, I've found two on their sides tucked half-under the 'bushes' that grow on the tall plateaus.

Don't be afraid to search odd places, it could pay off! I've found seven eggs today alone, and not because nobody else is flying around looking for them. I mean, I'm on Tanaris. Fly up and down, look at all of the little 'shelves' on those plateaus be there bushes or no. Most of the time here there seems to be at least other people looking.. If you're not finding any within m or so, go do something else.

Come back an hour or longer later. Think of creative times that might be inconvenient for the rest of us whom are looking and try your luck then I've had my best luck so far at 3pm and midnight so far.

I've found two in the same exact place.. Comment by settlestone been here like mins, only one here.. I heard that they had nerfed it.. Comment by I guess for anyone who's curious and farming eggs, here's the number of only eggs needed to get from friendly to exalted. I strongly suggest doing the dailies until revered, then turning in the eggs. It's worth noting that with patch 5. To unlock the dailies, go here and read the first comment.

To turn in the eggs, you must talk to Elder Anli in the Arboretum. She gives the repeatable quest Onyx To Goodness.

Good luck, and happy hunting! Comment by Draggoth Once you hit exalted you can't turn them in anymore, so there's no point in collecting or keeping them in your bags. Comment by JohnEP "Lost cause. There are a dozen other players all doing the same sweep and they are probably better at grabbing them than I am.

I finally found out the method to get a couple of eggs every few hours. I just log off on top of one of the hills and log in hours later for a few minutes. A couple of passes will either net me a couple of eggs or not. No reason to keep endlessly circling. Gotten a dozen eggs so far. Not too much to go for exalted! BTW, the gathermate2 data points from the latest database are spot on. Every egg has been in one of the circles. Get the add on and the database just for this alone.

You can avoid searching in places that eggs will never appear. Comment by these eggs do not sparkle like a quest item, they are grey and look like a rock. Comment by that disappointing moment when you realize it's not an onyx egg, it's a sea gull.

Comment by For people who already didn't - now it might be the best time to gather netherwing eggs! Comment by I just found 4 of them in a few minutes, apparently noone is looking for them on my server atm. For me the easiest way to spot them was flying above the mountain tops with the camera as close as possible like first person view , when you look down you can easily see them as dark spots on the grass, they are often surrounded by bushes so this is better then flying around mountains, cause the bushes may hide the egg when you are looking from the side.

I also turned ground clutter to low, this may help too. Comment by seanf First off, this is not concrete evidence so please do not take it as such. I'm posting these results to see if others have had similar experience farming these eggs. I usually farm for about min. I have noticed a pattern in the spawning. If I find 1 egg, I usually find 2 more in quick succession. I think they spawn in 2's or 3's. Has anyone else noticed a similar pattern? Not sure if this works on all graphics settings, but when flying high the bushes fade out, but the eggs will not.

As for the eggs on the ground, no point in flying down to see if they are any spawned, you should be able to see them from flying high. Get used to the look and typical location of the little grey birds as they tend to look pretty similar to the eggs from a distance. Don't forget to check the ledges against the edge of the mountains. There is an option to import data, the drop down menu will specify the expansion MoP be sure to have it on merg to save any data you've already collected. Good luck, as of my first day, flew over with 3 toons at various times and haven't spotted an egg yet.

Do you need to do pre-quests to be able to pick up the eggs? I've seen a few and i can't loot them for some reason. The ones your thinking of are for a quest but the ones they are talking about are grayish black and you turn them in for Cloud Serpent rep.

I've heard that they don't spawn for 75 mins, but then spawn at random for 45 mins. I've explained why there is no map in the text above. If anyone can put together a large scale map, that would make it possible but I have nothing useful to work with for this tiny place :- It's really just a matter of flying around the cliffs in circles, and checking the other areas in between.

I understand atm you haven't been able to put a map up cause no one is willing to help i would if i knew how but for the time being is it possible for you to put up the x-y until that time that should help us look on our maps to see the coordinants. Thank you again though for your efforts. Done, more or less. For the small map in the first pictures, it's the pink mark that counts! I keep looking and haven't been able to find one.. Is there anything i need to do? No there's nothing you have to do, but if there's a lot of competition, the eggs are very scarce Very helpful and great guide.

These eggs don't show up on the addon Gatherer, so that makes it hard to remember where they spawn. However, don't count on grinding rep "in a day or less" this way. They nerfed the spawn rate. Apparently the "quick spawn" of the eggs in beta was a bug and they fixed it, so now not only do the eggs spawn rarely, you have a ton of competition if you're on a medium--large realm. You might as well sit in one spawn point and wait for one to respawn if you hope to find any eggs at any rate whatsoever, or do it in the middle of the night or early morning when not as many people play.

Say good-bye to your social life assuming you had one. They do show on gatherer. You'll notice Onxy eggs are on that list. Then import MoP data, merge. That will show any eggs found by others and add yours to the locations. I know this is very old , im trying for onyx eggs now and cant find one. Three days ago i went and found 3 immediately , havnt saw another since. It's now Been around on Windward Isle for about hours and have found 5 eggs. It's alot less crowded now, so it's obviously a hot tip to do it at night.

Skullcrusher EU. Currently encountering an egg about every minutes. It's one egg with a fast respawn, but currently it's in a place no one can find so no one is getting any eggs. Where is this place ive been looking for 3 hours havent found one not sure if there hideing or what no one here so strange i cant find em.

Has there been any info on spawn rate decrease I've been looking for 3 hours and there isn't a soul in sight. I'm guessing they nerfed the spawn rate to such an extent that there isn't really any point just looking.

I am on a server where im pretty much by myself looking for them, ive noticed that once you find one, another will spawn in one the given locations. I got 16 in about 10minutes, but now i havent found one for the last I think it's in some location i dont know about yet, maybe a cave or something.

As soon as I find it, it will go back to spawning in the locations shown here. They really arent worth searching for for or camping. I do a route or two when i do my dailies but nothing besides that. The respawn rate is ridiculously slow not to mention the other searching.

I recommend if you must search for them get on one of the mountians before a server restart and get in as fast as you can so you can grab them as they respawn prolly net around k rep that way. I'm from Azralon, and my server is pretty crowded, so every time I tried to hunt these eggs it was impossible, with the extra high competition. I let them go, and just kept doing my daily quests. Tomorrow I'll be exalted with Cloud Serpents. Simple like that. For example, if you are upgrading from Rank 3 to 4, you already spent 3, Soul Ash crafting the Rank 3 Legendary, so the upgrade will only cost 1, Soul Ash.

Right now, you are limited to wearing one piece of legendary armor for each character in Shadowlands. Max-level players in Shadowlands can craft legendaries at the Runecarver, unlocked through Torghast progression. Yes and the drop rate is pretty high. Skip to content April 21, Joe Ford. Last edited by mrnice; at PM. Originally Posted by Resinderate. Has this been hot fixed? Originally Posted by mrnice. This moring on live it felt like they are spawning faster.

There are around 30 locations where eggs can spawn and you need about eggs. These things really have to be posted in Elite guides if we want them to last. When everyone can see them they get fixed within 3 days and barely anyone gets to enjoy it.

I got 12 eggs with an object manager within 15 minutes. But I think they respawn very slow!


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