How many healers icc 10

Summons a unattackable Shade that chases a player for a short time and explodes on cathing them. Inflicts to Shadowfrost damage to all players within 15 yards of the target. Tactics: Stay out Death and Decay it could kill an average geared player within 5sec. Phase1: Kill adds, Melee focus on Adherents and Range focus on Fanatics Phase2: basicly Tank and spank beside the fact you would want someone to interrupt Frostbolt.

Could 1shot most non-Tanks. Kite the vengefull Shade until they disappear Summery: 1. Avoid all possible damage from Death and Decay. Kill Adds As soon as possible. Interrupt Frostbolts. Blood Nova: Targets a random player that inflict 10k physical dmg to nearby players.

Blood Boiling: Inflicts 9. Tactics: Keep you Raid spread out in a half circle to avoid Blood Nova dmg. Summery: 1. Spread out. Kill Adds. Gaseous Blight: Inflicts 4. Vile Gas: AoE attack which incapacitates and Inflicting 5k dmg every 2 sec for 6sec also causing nearby Players to recieve 4k dmg. So Get 1 spore to your Melee Group and 1 to your Range. If 2 spores appear in Melee have 1 melee run out to your range group and visa versa.

Because Range is spread out you will have to move a lot more then melee, so I advise the player targeted with spore to remain stationary and let the other range players come to you. Extra Info: The encounter is healing intensive so its best to keep your healers in the melee group to avoid moving. For this encounter a larger melee group has the advantage.

Range try to stay inrange of all other range Dps and yet stay far enough to avoid Vile Gas hitting other players. Try to form a traingle 3Rdps , sqaure Rdps , etc Also if there are atleast 3 range players on 10 8 on 25 the "vile gas" will not affect melee group!!! Tips and Tricks: The spore inoculation radius is small.

Stack closely for them. Paladin tanks can clear the Gastric Bloat debuff with Divine Shield. When the tanks switch, the tank that has stacks of Gastric Bloat should immediately receive Hand of Salvation to lower his threat. Ice Block and Dispersion prevent a player from being killed by Festergut's exhale Pungent Blight , even without any Inoculation. By using these abilities shadow priests and mages can ignore spores and simply not move not advisable. Usually the melee group doesn't need to worry about this, but it may be useful just in case they missed an Inoculation.

Vanish is difficult though, it requires immaculate timing and must be used exactly as the cast ends. Never reach more then 10 stacks Gastric Bloat 3. Bored of reading watch clip Tankspot Festergut 10 Auther info: Hope you understand this, this isn't the easiest encounter to explain. Rotface Health 7,, 10 normal 36,, 25 normal 10,, 10 heroic 47,, 25 heroic Abilities: Ooze Flood: Flooding a Big part of the room with Ooze Inflicting 5.

Slime Spray: Inflicts 5. After the infection is removed a small ooze is created at the targets location. Unstable Ooze Explosion: inflicts 10k dmg, happens after big ooze merges with small oozes 5 times. Side step to avoid Slime spray Can be outhealed. Kite the small Ooze until you get a big Ooze. Big Ooze is tauntable small ones follow target. After 5 more have joined the big ooze will explode, make sure your raids knows when this will happen.

Avoid Ooze puddles. Kite Big Ooze. Bored of reading watch clip Tankspot Rotface 10 Professor Putricide Health 9,, man Normal 42,, man Normal 13,, man Heroic 50,, man Heroic auther info: Watch the clips they are easyer.

Abilities: Mutated Slime: Creating a puddle of slime that continuously grows, Inflicting 4. Gaseous Bloat: Mainly little brown thing coming after you, targeted player kite and rest of dps kill it. Volatile Ooze Adhesive: Mainly little green thing coming after you, targeted player is rooted and rest of raid should go stand nearby to take a part of the dmg 39kksplit between all nearby targets.

Ooze Eruption: Inflicts kk damage shared among nearby targets, knocking them back in all directions. Each target affected by Mutated Plague deals this damage independently. Mutated Abomination: Eat Ooze: eating slime pool. Extra Heroic Enrage: Enrage at 10min.

Ooze pools should be eaten by the Abomination pilot to gain resources and remove hazards. Alternating, an add spawns from the green and orange tanks.

The abomination pilot must snare adds using 'Regurgitate ooze'. DPS must priority kill the adds. Ranged must stack on the target of the green add, while the orange add must be kited by its target. Only when no adds are up should you DPS Putricide. Continue Phase 1's add management.

They should be dodged. Avoid slime pools. Adds cease, but Choking Gas and Malleable Goo remain. Burn remaining adds.

Activate Heroism and other cooldowns now to avoid a soft enrage and keep this delicate phase short. Sindragosa can be difficult to 2-heal, since one healer may get debuffed and the other blocked, or heaven forbid they both get blocked if your dps is slow in p3. You want a hybrid who can back them up. Also, I highly recommend outfitting your tanks with frost resistance gear if you're going to 2-heal sindragosa.

To purloin a phrase, Sindragosa doesn't kill tanks; Frost Breath at double digit debuff stacks kills tanks. S: To pile on Hsin's comment We do 25 mans as well, so we do have gear from 25s. I should have been more specific in my initial post, we do 2 heal deathwhisper and saurfang, but the attempts on marrowgar didn't go well, so I didn't bother trying on other bosses after that. Honestly ICC seems a lot like Ulduar, in the fact that it took 3 healers in the beginning, but wasn't long until it could be 2-healed.

Adalicia summed it up. Many fights can be two-healed, some fights demand three healers. BQ doesn't actually need 3 healers if you have a well-played tree and smart dps. A single resto druid can keep the entire raid up; I think ours hit 12k hps last night rolling HoTs during blood whirl. Our paladin was gnashing his teeth, he's always wanted to crack 10k, and here she hit 12k without really trying They have an extensive tool kit but I feel like it'd be waste if they were just focusing on a tank the entire time.

If you want to two heal it do what they said above: Paladin and Druid. It'd be the easiest way. Possible issues on Dreamwalker, Putricide, and Sindragosa. Antonica Premium Member join My only regret to doing strictly 10 Man content is I'll never have Val'anyr. Even now it's still arguebly the best MH for Holy and ranks highly for Discipline. Best I've done as Holy was 7. I think I just threw up a little. We just had our OT pally go heals for dreamwalker and it was a cake walk.

First week of new content we run with 3 healers, after downing that its pretty safe to 2heal. Ishany join I don't doubt we could likely get one tossed together. We could field 10 to 15 people for the 25 Man on any given night but pugging the other 10 to 15, with 2 to 3 being healers and saying, nope, Shards go to the Discipline Priest, may be a problem.

How I not spread Malady of the Mind?! Hrothgordo join Beverly, MA. As many have said, the instance essentially requires that you run 3 healers for some fights, at least if you want to guarantee victory. In many cases an excellent resto druid, or an ele shaman willing to toss a needed heal can be the difference but nothing is so tightly tuned in 10 man to demand that extra DPS spot.

There is simply too much movement and spacing in the raids to effectively use their heals on everyone. At the very least I would have an ele shaman prepared to LHW that healer in those instances.

A priest might be able to fill in for the druid but still a little risky. You still run a risk though, especially if your raid fails at bouncing balls or moving for vortex. The mana demands on a healer are so high in here, and a double healer blood link will suck especially without a druid.

But why bring extra DPS to a fight based on healing? Bountey Last week I had a surprising group. I did it with most real life friends, and a few online homies. Therefore I knew everyone knew the fights, and was geared. We solo healed Saurfang. I've never done that before, but a couple of them that run together often said they do it all the time.

Holy Paladin. The other healer resto druid went Balance for the fight. We only had 1 mark go out before killing the boss. Chauncey join We have our Warrior and Druid toss on Taunt glyphs for the encounter.

Never misses. As I stated I didn't say it couldn't be done just that I wouldn't recommend it. Druids get my love for trying to roll with less healers as their HoTs and instant casts can still heal while they get tied up in a fight mechanic.

They will run in, cast a couple of fireballs, then channel a fire damage AoE Lay Waste which hits everyone for 5, to 6, 3, to 4, on man Fire damage every 2 sec for 12 seconds. Lay Waste will damage Valithria and the raid significantly and healing is already at a premium, so these should be nuked immediately.

If healers are trying to heal, these should not be alive. This is a dispellable disease. Anyone who can dispel disease should be doing so to help out the healers.

Shortly after death they will spawn around 8 worms one at a time which should be picked up and killed quickly. Skeletal Archmages — Cast Frostbolt Volley which will slow, and will summon Mana Voids at the location of random players large purple void zones , draining 1, mana per second to players within 6 yards mana on man.

These should be avoided, and last 30 seconds. They also place small blue burning circles on the ground which, after a few seconds, will spawn a geyser launching anyone standing on it into the air. Melee are best to kill these since they can interrupt, and because they are less useful on the Blistering Zombies. Both effects stack up to 5 times. They are kiteable and this is the preferred approach because Corrosion is a leading cause of healer heart attacks when it stacks up.

Ranged should be killing these while melee focus on the Archmages. Near death they cast Acid Burst 0. The range on the Acid Burst is 15 yards, so melee should run out when these get low, or better yet, not DPS them at all.


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